This December, let's really bring it with the gift giving. Give them something you know they'll actually want. Gascón wines make the perfect present. Beautifully flavored, utterly smooth and downright versatile, they pair well with all kinds of food. But it’s also important to keep in mind who you’re shopping for. Here's a quick guide to selecting the right wine for the right person.
The Crowd Favorite. When you're looking for a good time, you know who to call. This guy. Have a question about the best restaurant or which bar to go to? You know who to call. This guy. When he has a get-together, you never skip it. If there's a grill, he's manning it masterfully. Maybe it's your best friend or your brother. Whoever it is, you know that when he's around, the fun's never far behind.
Gascón gift: Classic Malbec
The Perfectionist. He's not a snob, but he knows – and appreciates – the finer things in life. Settling for less isn't in his vocabulary. Especially when it comes to the pleasures of the table, namely wine. A bottle or two of this will definitely earn you points with your boss, but it will also bring a smile to your dad's or grandfather's face.
Gascón gift: Reserva Malbec
The Free Spirit. With this guy, you never know what's coming next. But you know one thing: it will be off-the-beaten path. He's an up-for-anything kind of guy who's equally comfortable hitting the great outdoors or finding that secret supper club. Simply put: if it's unique, it's for him. Know someone who fits this description or is just an overall colosal guy? Then cross his gift off the list, because you've got it.
Gascón gift: Colosal Red Blend